Thursday, May 26, 2022

new version 2.21.0 released


  • New feature: Toggle Full Screen for the current session with ALTGR+ENTER
  • Bug Fix: Alt-Tab: Needs to press tab twice
  • Bug Fix: Detaching the terminal when using multiple monitors always detaches on the primary monitor
  • Search, History, QuickConnect: These windows won't get closed when WinSSHTerm looses focus
  • Tab context menu: Compacted PuTTY menu items into a sub menu / New menu item "Toggle Full Screen"
  • WSL Starter: Autostart SSH server will now be triggered on demand, when opening a WSL connection
  • WSL Starter: For a WSL connection, it is now sufficient to set the host and port
  • Color Scheme: Default color scheme now "WinSSHTerm light" / Adjusted color scheme "WinSSHTerm light"
  • Color Scheme: New button to set the default light tab color (used in "WinSSHTerm light")
  • Color Scheme: Default background color now equal to "Tab Color" if "Custom Tab layout" is enabled
  • new unsupported warning if an architecture mismatch was detected (Popup, Title Bar)
  • new built-in variable CON.PASSWD to access the SSH password (see point 26 in the FAQ section)


  1. Alt-Tab: Needs to press tab twice, fix not work in windowed mode, in fullscreen it's ok...

    1. I can't reproduce this. Can you send the content of Help->Info to postmaster at

  2. It's worth the upgrade just for alt-enter. Thanks!

    1. I'm glad you like the feature. I like it too

  3. I'm getting the following error when not using a master password:

    Unable to use key file "You have to set a Master Password (Filer->Master Password)" (unable to open file)
    Using username "root".
    Pre-authentication banner message from server:

    I did not get this error before I upgraded.

    1. Yes, this is not possible any more for security reasons. I recommend to use keys instead of passwords

    2. So if I use keys instead of passwords for everything, will I be able to omit the master password requirement? It seems the error message above advises otherwise.

      Great tool btw, I use it basically everyday!

    3. Yes. It is convenient to let WinSSHTerm automatically load your key(s) into Pageant at startup (see File->Preferences->Pageant).

  4. Congrats for your awesome tool! is amazing!! use it every day on my DevOps job. i found a little bug, when you rename tab and move it to another windows, loose his name. regards from spain bro!

    1. Thanks, this will be fixed in release 2.22.0
